Thursday, April 20, 2006

Un comienzo negro

"Lo goth no existe; tú tienes que inventarlo. Reinventarlo. Obtener de él, lo que tu depositas y sólo tú sabes lo que qué es”.
Mick Mercer- Gothic Rock

"Behind the melancholia there always lies more sorrow than tragedy, more truth than drama. That's why Goth is the very essence of dignity. These are the things which have enabled it to become the one movement which celebrates life by never decrying it, by never warping the basic issues."
Mick Mercer - Hex Files

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Un buen comienzo

suerte en este flog que de entrada se le genial...

ahora si siempre estara mi firma
(espero no le harte)

mish mish
